Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 101 In the NICU

Today was a very busy day.
I was extubeated, I am now on CPAP. 
I had my eyes checked. They are the same. They will check them again in two weeks.
I still have an IV but I am eating more (through my nose) so soon I can get rid of it. I am up to 30 ml with each feeding.
Good news The insurance company said they would cover me moving back to the other hospital so I can be closer to home.
My Nurse gave me a new Frog, and Mom got a new blanket at the Parent support meeting today. It's like Christmas early.
The OT/PT people came in today and did an assessment. I still have tight muscles but they said they can help me with that.
I weigh 3190 grams 7lbs

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear Eric is having such a tough time. Hang in there! Hopefully he can be home for Christmas.
