Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 133...Home/Hospital

Not a good day! I was sick this morning so mom thought I should go get checked out. They did some tests and then sent us up to Primary's. I will be spending at least tonight here while they are trying to find out what I have. The first test for RSV has come back negative. Just a waiting game. I'm glad mom brought me in when she did, because I have just gotten worse as the day has gone on.
(On a good note I weigh 13 lbs 5 oz)

This is me with the hot packs on my hands and feet. This is how they got me ready for an IV....

This is my new room. My bed is huge!

1 comment:

  1. That is a huge bed for such a little guy! Hope you are able to have a goodnight. ;-)
