Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 63 In the NICU

Today has been full of change.
They started giving me Prevacid and Zantac for my acid reflux.
They are giving me Mylicon gas drops to help me with all the gas I have been having. They also said that when they turn down my oxygen it should help with the gas issues.
My oxygen is down to .5 liters
I get my two month immunizations today :(
I have a very bad diaper rash. They have been keeping zinc oxide on it but it is still sore.
My roommate Lola just got a big girl bed. It makes our room look so big and open.
I feel very puffy today I am not sure if this is from one of the changes they made today or something else.
I weigh 1905 grams 4 lbs 3 oz


  1. Are you staying good and toasty warm in your big boy bed?

  2. YES:) Thanks Kate:)
